Best Christian Hospitality Links In The News And The Blogosphere

WLO_openhomeOur culture seems to be at war with Christian hospitality, and at times our churches practice a watered-down version of it. But in spite of this, I’ve found some Internet “hospitality gems” that I wanted to share with you. Each of the articles below has wonderful ideas on how we can practically “do the word” of hospitality that Christ first did to us. These below links are not blanket endorsements of the authors or the sites, but just simply an acknowledgement that we can learn something from what was written.

Baptists Growing In Christ Because of Hospitality? This article calls us to pay close attention to the difference between our culture’s idea of hospitality and a Scriptural view of hospitality. It also gives some good suggestions on how we can begin being hospitable, even if we are very uncomfortable with it!

Reclaiming the Culture Through Hospitality? We often think of reclaiming our culture through prayer, protest, evangelism or even through elections, but how about through hospitality?

Has Anyone Come to Know Christ in Your House? Nan McCullough shares stories of how her home was used to lead others to Christ. She encourages us to unlock our doors, silence and set aside our smart phones, and practice hospitality!

Why is this American woman called “Pakistani Mama?” How much of a difference can you make by practicing a lifetime of hospitality? Doris Gvillo shows us what her legacy of hospitality looks like. As you read this article, pay attention to what you think Doris is doing right and what she might be able to improve upon as she continues to faithfully practice hospitality.

About tdillmuth

Pastor Timothy Dillmuth is the Discipleship Pastor of Voice of the Martyrs Korea. He oversees Underground University, a missionary training school for North Korean defectors, and does discipleship training with Christians from all over the world. Pastor Tim received a bachelor's degree from Zion Bible College and an M.Div. from Regent University. He lives with his wife, Melissia and their three children in Seoul, South Korea.
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3 Responses to Best Christian Hospitality Links In The News And The Blogosphere

  1. Reblogged this on Missio Links and commented:
    Christian Hospitality – what is it and what impact could it have? The answers may surprise you!

  2. Elene Chase says:

    Hi Tim — began clicking on the links and read “Baptists growing in Christ because of Hospitality” and it mentioned an upcoming seminar in Sophia, NC called “Hospitality – a spiritual practice.” Unfortunately one of the practices mentioned is “centering prayer” which is New Age. You may want to research it. I believe we do need to get out of our comfort zones in many areas, including hospitality but centering prayer is not something that should be promoted or practiced; unfortunately much apostasy is coming into the evangelical churches.

    • tdillmuth says:

      Hi Elene – I too have some concerns about many things that I see in evangelical churches – thanks for pointing this particular one out. That’s one of the reasons I made sure to point out that I don’t endorse the authors or their sites, but simply that there were a few good points made about Christian hospitality. Thanks for reading and commenting – God Bless!

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